
Winery App


Designed a custom app for a winery to help users navigate Australia’s largest sculpture park.





Lead Designer


Venue Manager, Developers, Account Managers and Stakeholders. 


Hospitality, Tourism.


Dec ‘18



We crafted a custom app for Australia's largest sculpture park, guiding you through 120 sculptures dotted across the 134 hectare property. I hand illustrated each sculpture nestled in its natural environment to create an interactive world.


framing the challenge

How do we guide users around a park and inform them about the sculptures and the surroundings in a fun way?


The ‘Hidden sculpture’ that users would discover once close by.


The full map I illustrated of the sculpture park and the surrounding area. ^ Click to zoom.


You can book a table, browse by list or map and pick pre-planned walks.


We placed a GPS tracker at each sculpture, and mapped the shape of the path by driving a golf buggy and using a running track app to get a digital reading.
The sculpture park, next to the restaurant.

The sculpture park, next to the restaurant.

Close up of a few sculptures.

Close up of a few sculptures.

A Rosella I illustrated to fly in the trees in the surrounds of the park.

A Rosella I illustrated to fly in the trees in the surrounds of the park.

We added ‘easter eggs’ for the users who scrolled around on the map and explored the surrounding grounds.
A whale swimming in the ocean.

A whale swimming in the ocean.

Cows in the field, with the ‘No entry’ indicator.

Cows in the field, with the ‘No entry’ indicator.

A Penguin on the near by island.

A Penguin on the near by island.

Koalas and Kangaroos, and Echidnas.

Koalas and Kangaroos, and Echidnas.

The Vineyard and lakes.

The Vineyard and lakes.

The yellow base circles represent a sculpture, and interactive content.

The yellow base circles represent a sculpture, and interactive content.